Use AI to empower your organization
GrowthDrivers is a feedback tool that empower individuals and teams to improve job satisfaction, relationships and performance.
What we do
It is our mission to help organizations become healthier, happier, and more productive. We do this by blending our expertise in fostering the human side of organizations with innovative feedback tools and simulations powered by our SAAS platform and advanced AI technology.
40% of all teams suffers from at least one dysfunction
(TeamDrivers results)
Teams with high levels of collaboration experience a 50% increase in team effectiveness
(Google Aristotle)
85% of employees who have a strong relationship with their manager are satisfied with their jobs
(Glint/ LinkedIn)
Less than 60% of employees feel
engaged in their work
50% of employees worldwide are
dissatisfied with their leader
What our customers say
"For me as a team leader, GrowthDrivers gave a boost in terms of understanding my role and what kind of conversation I needed to facilitate within the team - and the team liked it"
AI-driven empowerment
We use AI to improve relevance at every step, from collecting qualitative data and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data, to turning diagnoses into suggested behavior changes and sharing our recommendations.
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Get in touch!
We are a small team of dedicated consultants and software developers, who uses our own tools to stay healty, happy and productive. Reach out to one of our partners below if you want to hear more.
Incorporated in Denmark: DK VAT 37934178
CultureDrivers © 2024 all rights reserved