HabitDrivers can help any person achieve a sustainable change in behavior through deliberate effort

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    Facts about HabitDrivers for individuals

    • HabitDrivers use a set of simple and applicable principles, rooted in psychological research and neuroscience, that help teams move from great intentions to drive measurable change
    • HabitDrivers are often used as part of another development-initiative - e.g. following up on an assessment or a change of role - but can also be used as a stand-alone initiative
    • During 4 weeks, a few people you trust is asked to observe you on the chosen nano-behavior, and you receive a weekly status update and other nudges (time spend: Less than 5 minutes per supporter per week)
    • The 4-weeks campaign that starts and ends with a short session with a few trusted supporters:
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    The price is € 42/participant (no extra cost for supporters)


    The price includes the right for the team to complete up to three 4-week campaigns within 3 months from start.


    The service is delivered virtually based on digital self-service tools.


    The program is delivered in English and Danish.


    Our vendor is CultureDrivers and our contact person is Flemming Fog, email: fog@culturedrivers.com


    You can also contact the vendor to discuss customized program or support by a coach (not included in the basic pricing).


    Sign up

    Send the following information to info@culturedrivers.com:

    • Your name and email
    • Optional: Your cell number (if you prefer nudges as text-messages)


    Watch the introduction video

    Watch the video to get a quick introduction to HabitDrivers or download a sample of the "Pit-stop" report: