Introduction to CultureDrivers Assessments

    Assessment is an important method to diagnose individual- and team engagement and cross collaboration. All CultureDrivers assessments are based on well proved and renowned research and theory.


    The goal is never a report. It is to help people and teams identify potential for improvement and to help everyone focus where it benefits the most.


    The assessments are all based on statements that does not only diagnose possible challenges. They also point to specific actionable behavior. And results always compare to relevant benchmark data.


    The questionnaires are short, typically 10 – 16 statements and take about 2 minutes or less to complete.


    Our key assessments are:

    • TeamDrivers: Team engagement & motivation
    • Adaptive 360 assessment
    • CollaborationDrivers: Strength of 1:1 relationships (360 type)
    • Leadership Characteristics: Leader assessment
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    Examples of specific feedback from a combination of team- and leader feedback.

    Below you can see a series of brief videos explaining each of the 3 assessments as well as key findings from a recent research project, conducted in collaboration with Distinguished Professor George Kohlrieser and his team at IMD Business School, involving 25 leader teams from Maserati and Vestas.

    The TeamDrivers Assessment

    Adaptive 360 assessment

    The leader of a team plays a special role. Our research indicates that the evaluation of leader accounts for up to 70% of team performance.


    Our "Adaptive 360 assessment" dive deeper into leader assessing strengths and challenges .


    This is a next generation 360 tool that, in addition to standard 360 reporting, offers:

    • The respondents assesses where they would prefer to see a change of behavior (in addition to assessing competencies)
    • The adaptive report helps the 360 user focus on the most important findings
    • Reporting, algorithms and communication style focus on a strength based approach
    • The 360-user is helped to succeed with their change effort based on suggested "nano-behaviors" and support by a follow up tool
    • The 360 process is optimized to minimize total costs (also counting in time spend by user, respondents and coaches)
    • You can use CultureDrivers generic competency model - or replace it with your own model (a highly automated and swift process)

    For more information, and the opportunity to try the tool for free, click here.

    CollaborationDrivers Assessment

    Leadership Characteristics Assessment

    Research about the connection between Leader- and Team performance


    Head of Advisory & Partner Frank Lilleøre shares key findings from recent research project, conducted in collaboration with Distinguished Professor George Kohlrieser and his team at IMD Business School, involving 25 leader teams from Maserati and Vestas (1:50)